Search for Truck Driver Training Schools in Your State

Trucking schools has a list of truck driving schools throughout the United States. To find a trucking school in your area, select your state below or use our search widget to find schools based on zip code. Truck driving schools may provide the necessary training and education needed to obtain a commercial driver's license (CDL) and to start a career in truck driving. If you already know the type of vehicle you plan to drive, be sure to find a school that offers training for the class of license you need to obtain (Class A, B or C).

Typically CDL training lasts four weeks. This includes two weeks of classroom training and two weeks of behind the wheel training. Truck driving schools may prepare you to pass the CDL exam, which consists of a written knowledge test and a driving exam. Depending on the type of truck you plan to drive or material you plan to transport, additional endorsements may be needed. Be sure the trucking school you choose prepare you to pass these examinations as well. Start the path towards becoming a truck driver by selecting your state below.

Browse CDL Training Schools By State

Each state may have different requirements for becoming a truck driver. To find out specific requirements, click on your state.